After more than two years of Covid-related restriction on international travel, physical events are gradually making a comeback.
With the return of Asia’s largest information and communication technology (ICT) event, CommunicAsia 2022, NiAT team took the plunge and traveled to Singapore to attend the hyped event.

As a satellite communication provider in Brunei, the event was an ideal platform for the team to find prospective lead, analyze the market, explore business opportunities, and network with satellite communication industry experts.
Leading satellite players such as APT Satellite, Thuraya, StarWin, Kymeta, Intellian, Inmarsat, and Kacific were amongst the exhibitors at CommunicAsia 2022. The team was keen to see new value-added technologies brought by these companies after being forced into a period of certain “hibrernation” caused by Covid-19.

The visit to CommunicAsia has given valuable benefits for NiAT to understand directions and see fresh developments, new products, innovations, solutions and most importantly to be able to network with the leaders within the satcom ecosystem.
In addition, NiAT also aims to strengthen and grow its supply chain by forming partnerships with current and new suppliers or vendors that can help boost the long-term efficacy and value of our products and services in Brunei.

The whole CommunicAsia experience seemed more impactful since the event enabled NiAT to engage and discuss business opportunities in-person and determine the ‘connect’ that helps NiAT to move forward.